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The Parrish Nurse

'Tis The Season To Be Thankful'


Did you realize that being thankful has many benefits for you???  It has been shown that people who regularly practice feeling thankful have a leg up when it comes to their health.  Thankful people:

Take better care of themselves physically and mentally

Engage in more protective health behaviors

Get more regular exercise

Eat a healthier diet

Have improved mental alertness

Cope better with stress and daily challenges

Feel happier and more optimistic

Have stronger immune systems

Maintain a brighter view of the future

There are several things to help you get into the gratitude attitude.  First and foremost is to remember to thank God for everything that has been provided for you.  You can also focus your attention outward, be mindful of what you have, and perhaps keep a gratitude journal.

Health & Wellness


Hospice is a specialized care option for patients facing a life-limiting illness from conditions like COPD, heart disease, and dementia. When they receive hospice care early on, they experience less depression, and can improve mentally, emotionally, and physically. In fact, patients under earlier hospice care may live 25% longer due to better management of symptoms by a team of doctors, nurses, aides, volunteers, social workers, grief counselors, and chaplains united around one special  person... their patient.
Choosing hospice benefits the patient and family more by the patient participating in all planning and decisions in pain and symptom management; reduced hospitalizations. Advance directives can be prepared to avoid difficult decisions later.
In addition to gaining comfort, independence and quality of life, patients and families with hospice care also receive: physical, emotional and spiritual support...
A nurse who coordinates the patients care; training needed to properly care for a loved one; medications; medical equipment such as electric beds, walkers, and wheelchairs; a nursing assistant to provide personal care such as bathing; disposable supplies such as gloves, adult briefs and wound-care kits; bereavement care and grief support.
Hospice services are provided in the comfort of your home, assisted living  facility, hospital or nursing facility, and are covered by Medicare and most private  insurances.  Ask your doctor if or when hospice may be able to help you.
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