Friday, December 6 @ 6pm - 9pm
'Holiday in the Park' at Lake Mary
Saturday, November 27 @ 10 am
'Hanging of the Greens'
Advent begins Sunday, November 28 - Friday, December 24. This is our special time of preparation and expectation leading up to Christmas! So each year, we begin the season by “hanging the greens,” by decorating the sanctuary and learning all the interpretations of what the decorations mean. Each symbol, from the evergreens to the lights, teaches us about what God is doing at Christmas. Come join us!
Join the lighting of the tree in the park by city hall with music and other festivities including a visit from our very own David & Teddi Dovan as Santa and Mrs. Claus for 33 years now! Carolers, a snow zone and food vendors will be there as well.

December 15th @ 5pm
Dinner, Lessons & Carols
December 21st @ 6pm
Christmas Caroling & Cookies

Pastor Joe and Dawn Raymond cordially invite you to dinner on Sunday December 15th at 5:00 pm in Fellowship Hall before Lessons and Carols program.
They will provide the Turkey and Ham, rolls and drinks. Just bring a dish to share and or a dessert to share. Please RSVP to the office @ 407-321-1021
Join the lighting of the tree in the park by city hall with music and other festivities including a visit from our very own David & Teddi Dovan as Santa and Mrs. Claus for 33 years now! Carolers, a snow zone and food vendors will be there as well.

December 31
Ring in the New Year @ 12 am

Come help us
'Ring in the New Year'
at our annual traditional ringing the bell
December 24 @ 7pm
Candlelight Christmas Eve Service
Please join us as we celebrate the birth of our Savior with the re-telling of the Christmas Story and singing Christmas Carols.